Teejay, you really are entirely clueless, aren't you?
I KNOW Giiny. I've LIVED IN her house. Our kids have played together. I've met her mom. SHE'S NOT A MAN!
YOu came right out and called me a liar over this, you smegging ratbag. One thing I am NOT is a liar. Ginny made a joke, you moron! A SMEGGING JOKE!!! But Clueless Teejay isn't about to let go his pitbull insistence because TEEJAY'S A A SMEGGING MORON!!!!! It matters little that Larc & his wife, Java, Norman, Alan F and his wife, to name just a few, have also met Ginny. Of course, Clueless Teejay will have to insist they are all liars too, won't he?
Some of us have been communicating online for YEARS, asshole. We've met one another, socialized, emailed extensively, helped and encouraged and swapped research for YEARS. When that histoy comes to a message board, it may seem to the clueless to be cliquish. It's not. That's YOUR inferiority complex kicking into overdrive. Your idiotic responses serve only to make you look like the jealous and uninformed BOOB that you truly are.
For the last time: Ginny T is not a man. I know you prefer to pretend she's a man because it conflicts with your sexist worldview to even imagine a woman could be that much smarter and funnier than you could ever dream of being. But again, that's YOUR inferiority complex rearing its ugly head.